Sunday, February 21, 2010

Culture shock

Things the italians are missing out on:
1. Dryers (I now know how valuable a dryer is. We have to hang all of our clothes, and most of the time, the clothes end up discoloring a bit)
2. Ketchup (They have something like it, but nothing beats Heinz)
3. Push-buttons at the cross walk (first of all, the traffic laws seem to be inexistent, but the you can't signal a light to change with a button)
4. Bagels (you can't go wrong with bacon, egg, and cheese on a bagel)
5. Paper towels (all they use are dishtowels)
6. Butter (it has to exist, but no one has seen it yet)
7. Peanut Butter (Nutella is all there is, other than jams)
8. Cheddar cheese (the roommates and I tried to make cheese burgers, and has to use another kind of cheese)
9. Fast restaurant service (the italians love to take their time and allow their customers to have plenty of time between courses. we waited forever...)
10. Preservatives (going to the grocery, all you see is fresh food. You don't need to worry about extra preservatives or chemicals in food to make the food last longer)